Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Short week blues

Yeah. You read that title right.

I've got the short week blues. 

That doesn't mean I'm sad that it's a short week.  The exact opposite, in fact.  I am thrilled, ecstatic, blissful, and thankful it's a short week. Because it means that at the end of this short week, I'll be flying to Denver to see my family and meet Baby Ryan, and eat a huge delicious meal and take a turkey nap, and shop and visit and cuddle with nephews. WHEW!

There is a problem with short weeks, though.






How am I supposed to smile and relax when so much excitement awaits me???

Welcome to one of my biggest challenges. I struggle with not looking back or forward, and just focusing on and experiencing the moment right now.  Weeks like this really test my ability. Blame it on my laziness mixed with severe impatience. If I had my choice, I'd curl up in my bed and nap and read and lounge until Thursday arrives, taking a break only to pack my bags.

So, what to do, then? How do I make this time pass more pleasantly?

Easy. I fill my time up with lists of chores and things to pack, intense workouts, favorite TV shows throughout the week, and lots of quality time with Rhett, friends, and cats.

For anyone who experience the same ants-in-your-pants as I do, just take a deep breath, and try to enjoy yourself. :)

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